Jul 09
Posted: under photography, Wildlife.
Tags: beauty, dragonfly, insect, odonates, photography July 9th, 2010
Today, after the rains of the past two weeks–and then a hot sunny midday–we had more species of odonates at the lily pond than I’ve seen yet this year. And the males all wanted a landing site on this stick: [...more]
Today, after the rains of the past two weeks–and then a hot sunny midday–we had more species of odonates at the lily pond than I’ve seen yet this year. And the males all wanted a landing site on this stick:
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Jul 01
Posted: under photography, Plantlife, Water, Wildlife.
Tags: Animal behavior, beauty, dragonfly, insect, observation, odonates, photography July 1st, 2010
When I went out yesterday about noon, I found four of these lovely pink waterlily flowers open: [...more]
When I went out yesterday about noon, I found four of these lovely pink waterlily flowers open:
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Jun 29
Posted: under Mortality, photography, Wildlife.
Tags: Animal behavior, beauty, butterflies, dragonfly, photography, predation, spider June 29th, 2010
We had thunder and rain this afternoon for several hours, but around six, sun broke through enough to illuminate the newly refilled lily pond. I went out to see what was going on with pondlife. Two male Neon Skimmers, Libellula croceipennis, were harrassing the four or five male Blue Dashers, Pachydiplax longipennis, and also pestering […] [...more]
We had thunder and rain this afternoon for several hours, but around six, sun broke through enough to illuminate the newly refilled lily pond. I went out to see what was going on with pondlife. Two male Neon Skimmers, Libellula croceipennis, were harrassing the four or five male Blue Dashers, Pachydiplax longipennis, and also pestering the two female Neon Skimmers who were ovipositing in the pond.

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Oct 30
Posted: under Activities, Plantlife, Wildlife.
Tags: Activities, beauty, dragonfly, native plants, natural water, photography October 30th, 2009
Instead of raining yesterday as the front came through, the sky slowly cleared from the west, and today dawned chilly and clear. While Richard worked on fence, I put on rubber boots and went out to see if anything’s drying out yet. [...more]
Instead of raining yesterday as the front came through, the sky slowly cleared from the west, and today dawned chilly and clear. While Richard worked on fence, I put on rubber boots and went out to see if anything’s drying out yet.

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Oct 24
Posted: under Activities, photography.
Tags: Activities, beauty, dragonfly, native plants, photography October 24th, 2009
We have a new species for the list, another bug (literally bug–a stinkbug found on a bush honeysuckle yesterday morning.) There were lots of them, in fact: all adults, this time. (You can tell by the wings folded onto the back.) [...more]
We have a new species for the list, another bug (literally bug–a stinkbug found on a bush honeysuckle yesterday morning.) There were lots of them, in fact: all adults, this time. (You can tell by the wings folded onto the back.)

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