Jun 02
Posted: under Activities, photography, Wildlife.
Tags: Activities, census, documentation, photography, wildlife management June 2nd, 2017
Yesterday morning as I went outside, I saw a very small cicada on the kitchen storm door. I thought immediately of one seen some years back (turned out to be four years) in the same place, photographed then and identified by Bill Reynolds, an expert on cicadas at BugGuide.net. First I went back inside and […] [...more]
Yesterday morning as I went outside, I saw a very small cicada on the kitchen storm door. I thought immediately of one seen some years back (turned out to be four years) in the same place, photographed then and identified by Bill Reynolds, an expert on cicadas at BugGuide.net. First I went back inside and got the camera, then photographed it, then went to BugGuide to compare…and sure enough, it’s the same critter. Length about 1/2 inch (not counting wings.)
Pacarina puella Little Mesquite cicada
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Jun 02
Posted: under Uncategorized.
Tags: identification, new species June 2nd, 2017
There’s a site that will generate imaginary moths if you retweet its Twitter account (@mothgenerator) and tweet you an image of the same. I thought it would be fun to see if I could get it to do an 80-acres moth. And it did. Turns out whatever message you send that account turns into a […] [...more]
There’s a site that will generate imaginary moths if you retweet its Twitter account (@mothgenerator) and tweet you an image of the same. I thought it would be fun to see if I could get it to do an 80-acres moth. And it did. Turns out whatever message you send that account turns into a moth named whatever you sent, with “the” in front and “moth” after. Here’s the 80 acres moth

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