A Little Spring Color

Posted: March 18th, 2009 under Plantlife.
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Here’s the view we’ve had out the back door the past few days, minus the clothes on the line and the corner of the barn.


The pinky-purple is redbud, the green is roughleaf dogwood (not yet flowering), and the gold is a flowering red oak.  All are native, though these are yard plantings chosen to look good in (most) seasons.

Another buckeye, this one more a dusty rose in bloom than the redder scarlet buckeye in the back yard.


If either of these makes seed this year, we’ll take the seed down to the creek woods and hope that works…the trick is putting them where they’ll get enough shade, enough soil moisture, but not be washed away in a flash flood.

(Just realized I hadn’t posted the image of the scarlet buckeye in the yard in full flower.   Was hoping to get a butterfly at it, but the black swallowtail there yesterday didn’t want to pose…)


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